Hearthstone | Echo's Midrange Demon Zoo Deck & Decklist | Constructed | Legend Potential

2016-03-21 12

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked
Echo's Midrange Demon Zoo Deck

Potential: up to Legend rank

ZooLock decks are currently one of the strongest in the meta so you definitely want to check this one out. Echo played this on to legend rank and it is build on the demon side of zoo decks featuring Mal'Ganis, Doomguard and Voidcaller.

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[Mana] Card Name

[1]Power Overwhelming 2x
[1]Flame Imp
[1]Voidwalker 2x
[2]Dark Peddler 2x
[3]Imp Gang Boss 2x
[4]Imp-losion 2x
[4]Voidcaller 2x
[5]Doomguard 2x

[1]Abusive Sergeant 2x
[2]Haunted Creeper 2x
[2]Ironbeak Owl
[2]Knife Juggler 2x
[2]Nerubian Egg 2x
[4]Defender of Argus 2x
[10]Sea Giant